Tuesday, 2 December 2014


Happy new month to everyone, It is that time of the year again, a time for giving, eating and be merry. As we all celebrate , may we not forget the real reason for this joyous season. We should remember to count our blessings and give gratitude. So far it has been a good year ,we should cherish every moment we have and let go of  anything  that aims to hinder us.

Some of us have had a really tough year, some have lost jobs , loved ones or relationships.Whatever we have experienced so far, may we still be able to give thanks and be grateful for the good, wonderful and happy times. Nothing last forever things can only get better.
May this month make all our wishes and prayers come true, may everything fall in place.Let this season bring divine alignment of our heart desires.

Let us carry on, sing Christmas songs and be merry. Celebrate, have hope and enjoy this glorious season.
Just saying.

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