Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Welcome 2015

Happy New Year, everyone!
We made it! We have been given a gift; the gift of a new year and new beginnings.
A big shout out to all my followers, friends and family.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Regardless of where we are coming from today, may this new year usher in hope, love, happiness and joy.
May we all be amazed by endless possibilities in every area of our  lives.
Just saying.
Happy New Year!

Thursday, 25 December 2014

' Tis the Season

As you mature ,you realise that you desire things which money cannot buy. Things that are important,like family, friendship, love , happiness etc.
There is nothing wrong in desiring material things  after all , money answereth the all things. 
I bet our inner child still wants and wants. The point is whatever we do this season , show kindness ,love and give back if you can in your own way.

Just saying
Merry Christmas.


Tuesday, 2 December 2014


Happy new month to everyone, It is that time of the year again, a time for giving, eating and be merry. As we all celebrate , may we not forget the real reason for this joyous season. We should remember to count our blessings and give gratitude. So far it has been a good year ,we should cherish every moment we have and let go of  anything  that aims to hinder us.

Some of us have had a really tough year, some have lost jobs , loved ones or relationships.Whatever we have experienced so far, may we still be able to give thanks and be grateful for the good, wonderful and happy times. Nothing last forever things can only get better.
May this month make all our wishes and prayers come true, may everything fall in place.Let this season bring divine alignment of our heart desires.

Let us carry on, sing Christmas songs and be merry. Celebrate, have hope and enjoy this glorious season.
Just saying.

Sunday, 2 November 2014


Happy November

"Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions."- The Dalai Lama.

    What is happiness? According to Mahatma Gandhi, "Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony". Is it attainable? Is it dependent on others? What really makes us happy?
Is it money in the bank, material things or people? I guess happiness means different things to different people. Tell me what really makes you happy.

    I agree with the Dalai Lama that happiness comes from your own actions, therefore it is not dependent upon another. Hence, if you want to be happy, the responsibility lies with you.

    If happiness comes from our own actions, how come people always say "Oh, he/she makes me so happy". What happens to you when that person or thing is no longer in your life? Will you suddenly become an unhappy individual? I know people and things can and do give you joy, but on the question of happiness that is your choice. Just like love is a choice, so is happiness.

    So, folks, when people treat you badly and have no regard for your well-being, quit deceiving yourself and stop saying that they make you so happy.

Just saying.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Love & Forgiveness

Hello, I know its been a while . Have been busy being a mum ,wife and everything in-between while also working on my website,Justsaying.London will soon be ready .

Lets talk about Love and Forgiveness. Do you forgive because you love or do you love because you forgive?Forgiveness is not easy I know ,however once you have taken that bold step to forgive you find out that you are a happier person as opposed to bearing or carrying unforgiveness.

To Love or Forgive is a choice.However when you choose to forgive ,do you forget?.As difficult as it is to forgive , I believe its possible to forget with time but one should never forget the Lesson learned.
When someone hurts or betrays you ,things can never be the same again. A scar is left behind no matter how many times they apologise .Even after the healing process, the scar will always be there whatever the offence. Its like a broken plate even if you manage to fix it back together, you can still see the cracks.

How do you deal with forgiveness, does it come easy to you? According to a friend Love makes forgiveness easy.As for me,depending on the offence shaa I am quick to forgive ,take the lesson learned and move on. I have discovered that holding on to unforgiveness limits you and blinds you from experiencing joy.

Just saying.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Cut the Cord

While we are commanded to love all men, you must be guided with the understanding that you are not designed to fit into everyone. - Stanley Jonas.

I got that quote from a  good friend of mine and it got me thinking about a certain Lady I called a friend.
Be around people who bring out the best in you. Have you been around people Who constantly want to pull or bring you down.
They seem to bring the worst out of you and when that happens you don't even recognise yourself.

I know you guys  don't know anyone like that right.
Looking back I wonder why I put up with her.  Tolerance? Maybe,When I figure out why I will let you know.

These people can never be happy for or with you, however they pretend to,but you can tell.
If you allow them they will destroy your zest for life. They have a way of sucking all your energy.
They always cause strife ,thinking they can diminish your confidence.
Their presence  alone seem to stir up conflict.

In our journey in life  I believe some people can become a burden or dead weight.
How do you cut them of without being mean ?
Tell me ,how do you determine when to end the relationship,whether it is with a spouse,a friend ,your sister or brother.

💞I know you are suppose to forgive those who hurt you and abuse you.
But where Do you draw the line?

As for me I strongly believe that you should love some people from a distance.
I am all for loyalty and supporting each other, but there comes a time when you have to let some relationships go.
I am just saying cut the cord that binds you to them, enjoy yourself in this journey called Life.
Surround yourself with people who will bring the best in you,  people that encourage ,motivate, and inspire you,people who make you want to become a better you.
Just Saying.

Saturday, 2 August 2014


One of the most powerful things  are Words, Yet Some people say Words mean nothing.
The Words we speak can bring Life or death.
The Words we speak can turn situations around for good or bad.
Some people are so full of defeat because of what comes out of their mouth.

If the Creator of this universe spoke it into existence , I believe  We have the authority and power to speak certain things into existence as well.

 I am just saying some Folks are just bad news, they never have anything good or positive to say about anything or anyone, not even themselves.
 I was  told about a guy wearing this T-shirt, guess what was written on it....''LOSER''.
The definition of a loser is a person who is defeated or disadvantaged , is habitually failing or who is considered unpopular.
 How can you call yourself a conspicuous failure , a blunder, a Flop , a mistake .
 How can a human being wear something like that, As my people will say  '' Na wah for the guy oooo''.

Some people go about saying Laugh wan Kill me die, what does that even mean.
Anyway I am only saying think before you open your mouth to speak.
Speak Faith filled words, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Just Saying.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Can you really Know someone

We think we know someone  and then we realise that we don't know them at all, we like to think that we know what we want and sometimes we are right , but Life has a funny way of telling us Otherwise.
Trust is broken and the things we used to find exciting ,now offends us.
Families are torn apart, Friendships fade  away, Marriages are broken , Why that happens I have no idea .

Can we really and truly know anyone deeply , apart from yourself. Some people don't even know what they are capable of , let alone another person.

Just Saying