Thursday, 8 October 2015

Pay the Cost

To follow through with the goals you set for yourself in life, you must change your attitude and behaviour.
What is preventing you from living the Life you want? We were created to fly, we are called to make a difference. Don't allow circumstances to deter you from following  your dreams. Believe and stay focused and be willing to pay the cost to achieving your dreams.

The key to finding your purpose is quite simple. The hint is you can naturally do it, you love to do it and nobody can do it better than you; you will do it even if you don't get paid for it.
Whatever happens do not give up on your dreams.
Justsaying pay the cost.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Relationships can be complicated.

Some Relationships tend to be complicated, do they have to? Well I don't know, I guess to each its own.
People have affairs because they want to full stop. Relationships do not have to be complicated in my opinion , by the way it is none of my business.
Why would you stay in relationship that is clearly bad for you in every area of your life ? why stay where you are not celebrated? Do you not know that you are worth  more than gold?
You are meant to be Loved  and valued. Yes you can do better and you definitely deserve more.
My dear you are fearfully and wonderfully made, always remember that.
Just saying you deserve more, therefore demand more.
Just saying.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015


When Life gives you Lemons, make lemonades and while you are making it dance and add some sugar. Sometimes our dreams and aspirations take time to materialise. Disappointments and setbacks are part and parcel of life, we just have to learn to deal with issues and situations and roll with the punches. So what if you messed up, you are only human. Forgive yourself and move on but refuse to give up.Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we should dance. We all fall sometimes but the most important lesson is learning to rise up again, refuse to stay down. Yes you have let a lot of people down, people who trusted you. You took advantage of some of them and misused your authority. Hiding away and cutting yourself off is not the answer.
Who knows why people do what they do.It is sad when people in authority and power abuse what they have been given. Do they think the truth will not come out, nothing is ever hidden. Abuse of power and authority ruins lives and destroys vulnerable people. 
To all those who have been hurt by people they trusted, all I can say is take heart and learn to trust again but don't forget the lesson learned. People will always hurt and disappoint us because they are human. To the Ladies especially, have some self respect and know that you are unique and valuable.  To those in authority don't forget to treat others the way you like to be treated. We should  all  listen to each other and know that other people are valuable, Just saying.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

People either say they are in love or that they love their partners, yet they treat them badly. Why would anyone with dignity or self-respect remain in an abusive relationship?
Relationships are meant to be beautiful, good, sweet, lovely and everything you want it to be and more as well as being hard work and sometimes challenging .

One thing I know for sure is that no matter how good or bad, it is never worth dying for if you ask me.
I believe in love, don't get me wrong, but when the love is twisted and causing you so much pain, unhappiness, drama and trauma, then it is time to end it.
Some people are just difficult to love, gender regardless. It is easy to love some people as well.
Certain folks make it their life's mission to push everything good that comes their way away. They self sabotage, then turn around and blame everyone and everything but themselves. You should not deliberately put yourself in harm's way.

I saw a post by a lady recently and it read something like this: "he might beat me until I vomit blood but at least I have a man, unlike you hoes". Seriously, lady, you don't have a man, you have a monster.
What on earth will possess someone to make a statement like that? Is it self-loathing or low self-esteem? Seriously, I don't get it. Why would  anyone with their senses intact remain in a place that is dangerous and harmful to their well-being? What is it? Is it fear? Or are you that broken that you cannot see anymore? Is the sex that good? People have been killed for refusing to get out of abusive relationships.

No one should remain in an abusive relationship, be it  physical, emotional, financial, verbal or sexual. Abuse is abuse, period. Don't just walk away. RUN away.
Believe, ladies and gentlemen, that the universe has something better for you. If you believe you deserve better, the best will come.

Just saying